Dance Company
Our Pre-professional Dance Company provide numerous and diverse experiences in performance. The company enables students extra performance opportunities where they learn stage preparation, lighting, scenery and many other aspects of staging a live performance.. The dance company performs a full length Nutcracker and a specially themed spring performance where students are able to polish performance skills in a variety of different dance disciplines.
Members of the company are 8 and up and are selected through an audition process. Younger students aged 4-8 are invited to audition to participate Dance in Dance Company performances.
The Nutcracker Ballet
May 9, 2025
WMBA will hold Open Auditions for White Marsh Ballet Academy's performance of the Nutcracker. The audition is a regular class experience. For more information, watch the WMBA Portal for guidelines for auditioning.
Auditions are for dancers ages ages 4-8
Audition Time: 5-6 PM
$15 Audition Fee
WMBA Dance Company
May 9, 2025
The company is for dancers that dream of participating in a magnet program, dancing in college, being a professional dancer, or just need to perform more. As a member of our Dance Company, you will get to perform in our annual Nutcracker performance and our spring show in addition to the June production.
Auditions are for dancers ages 8 & Up
All are welcome!
Audition Time: 6-9 PM
$15 Audition Fee

Students enrolled in our Dance Company also perform at nearby schools, local festivals, nursing homes, malls, fairs, dance festivals and other public events. Extra travel opportunities, studying with master teachers and field trips to see professional performances are extra opportunities for the more serious dancer.